Saturday, October 31, 2009

When Jesus was Tempted!

Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer. Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor's crown unless he competes according to the rules. The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.
2 Timothy 2:3-7

The Vacation Bible School song “I’m in the Lord’s Army” is fun to sing and it presents kids with a deep eternal truth that even old Christians wrestle with in daily living! Military life is 24-7! There are no “unavailable” moments for soldiers. When the battle commences or the commander summons, a soldier engages in the conflict or simply responds to the word of his leader.

I once sat through a three week course of instruction trying to learn a specific job skill. The class was interesting enough but it seemed that something was not right. On the last day of the class someone asked the instructor how long she had worked in a job that demanded that skill. We were shocked when she said she had been employed in that job for only one week! We were being trained by someone who was a novice herself!

As a Christian my Commander in Chief and my teacher is Jesus Christ. He spent thirty-three years living the life He calls me to live. Jesus not only knows what temptation is, He also felt its pull on His very Soul! The Bible says that Jesus was tempted in every way just like we are! (Hebrews 4:15) It is astonishing to realize that Jesus felt in His body the powerful pull of temptation. In very simple terms, when I am tempted it means that I want to do something wrong. I desire to sin. Some have equated desire with sin. They are not the same. Sin is the fulfillment of wrong desire! Jesus never did that. But Jesus did experience the desire.

So the next time the desire to do the wrong thing overwhelms your being reach out to Jesus and ask the question: Lord how did you deal with this kind of temptation?

In my life one of my major temptations is distraction. Chasing rabbit trails and getting side-tracked are two of my most prominent characteristics. If I were a child today they would have a specific diagnosis for this condition and probably some medication. Like everyone else I am tempted with evil, but becoming distracted from the purpose to which God has called me is a very effective tool for Satan in my life.

I am not a major league base ball player, but if I could “keep my eye on the ball” to the point that when it was thrown at me at a hundred miles an hour I could put the bat on the ball and send it to a specific spot on the field where no opposing player stood ready to catch it, I would instantly be drafted into professional baseball. As a designated hitter the only other skill I would need would be running to first base before the ball could be gathered in and tossed over to the first baseman.

Don’t become distracted from the calling of God on your life. And when you are tempted to sin remember that Jesus was tempted just like this! We sometimes sing a song about being like Jesus. What I need, perhaps most in my life daily is to be like Jesus when He was tempted!

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