Thursday, September 8, 2011

God’s Thoughts are Higher!

Listen to this blog.

Turn to the Lord!
He can still be found.
Call out to God! He is near.

Give up your crooked ways
and your evil thoughts.
Return to the Lord our God.
He will be merciful
and forgive your sins.

The Lord says:
“My thoughts and my ways
are not like yours.

Just as the heavens
are higher than the earth,
my thoughts and my ways
are higher than yours.

Isaiah 55:6-9

Have you ever known someone who is really, and I mean really smart. You know the kind of person who seems to know a lot about everything in the world. Sometimes that person has a doctorate degree in some field, but sometimes they have little formal education. It seems to be simply how God made their brain with the ability to absorb and process lots of information very efficiently. I am not one of those people. I like really smart people, but truthfully they also frequently seem to be out of touch with the rest of us.

How smart is God? You may think that is a silly question, but it is important for you to recognize that God's intelligence quotient is beyond being measurable.

Here is the problem. Some people spend their lives trying to challenge and question the ways of God. Their defiance of God is like a man who doesn't like gravity, jumping off of a building to see if it is really true. And so their lives are filled with suffering and pain that comes from running in to the brick wall of God's truth.

Debating with the ways of God is like a six year old challenging a college professor. Who wins that debate?

Instead of pitting yourself against God and His ways, why not listen to God and learn. God will debate with you if you insist, or God will enlighten you. The choice is yours and Jesus is the way!

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