Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Shadow of Heaven!

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Since all priests must offer gifts and sacrifices, Christ also needed to have something to offer. If he were here on earth, he would not be a priest at all, because here the Law appoints other priests to offer sacrifices. But the tent where they serve is just a copy and a shadow of the real one in heaven. Before Moses made the tent, he was told, “Be sure to make it exactly like the pattern you were shown on the mountain!”
Hebrews 8:3-5

What else on this earth is a copy of something in Heaven? Frankly, I think the answer is almost everything on earth represents something in Heaven. When God created the earth in it's state of perfection it must have been a lot like Heaven. No sin, no death, no sickness and no sorrow. All those things came after the fall of man.

God told Moses to make the tabernacle tent exactly like the one in Heaven and He also tells every man and woman who decides to get married to make their marriage exactly like the one in Heaven.

Marriage is a shadow or copy of the marriage between Christ and His Bride! That's what it's all about! If you change the rules about marriage then you draw the wrong picture here on earth. Divorce and unfaithfulness are unknown qualities for Christ and His Bride. A wife ruling over her husband is not like the marriage we see in Heaven. Every attempt to pervert marriage here on earth blurs our ability to see, on earth what is happening and will happen in Heaven.

Marriage is only one way we mirror Heaven itself. There are many more. Look for them and strive to make everything you do and every relationship on earth like it would be if you were in Heaven. The practice will soon be very valuable. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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