Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Take Off the Mask!

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The Lord’s kindness never fails! If he had not been merciful, we would have been destroyed. The Lord can always be trusted to show mercy each morning. Deep in my heart I say, “The Lord is all I need; I can depend on him!” The Lord is kind to everyone who trusts and obeys him.

Lamentations 3:22-25

Do you have faith in and love God, or do you know how to convincingly say that you have faith in and love God? There is a huge difference between those two things.

If we are honest, we all know that there is sometimes a big difference in what we want people to think about us and what we really are. Behind the perpetual comedian may be a truly sad face and a painful heart. The boastful man may be hiding a serious lack of self confidence.

It is often easy to see behind the masks of others. It is easy to label them "hypocrites" when you catch a glimpse of their lives without the mask.

The joy of my salvation today is not that I will one day go to Heaven. Today's joy is that Jesus sees behind my mask and loves me anyway. Does my sin make Him sad? Of course it does.

When you pray, before you bow your head, reach your hands to your face and grab the mask you are wearing. Take it off and stand before Jesus exposed completely to Him. Then say deep in your heart, "Lord You are all I need; I can depend on You."

1 comment:

  1. Am so touched by the scripture today because I wear the thickest musk.was abused as a child n I like pretending to be nice a the time but am hurting so much n taking it out on my kids.I don't know if I can heal but I try to pray daily.please help.
