Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just in Time for Supper!

At that time, people will say, “The Lord has saved us! Let’s celebrate.
We waited and hoped—
now our God is here.”

Isaiah 25:9

When I was a child my father came home from work at almost the same time everyday. It was a major event in my life. Before I could read a clock my mother would alert me to the imminent arrival of my protector, provider, and the source of everything good in my life. She would say something like "Your daddy will be home soon, why don't you go to the window and watch for him?" I was very blessed because he always came home at just the right time and as far as I was concerned he was as reliable and strong as God Himself! My father always came home, just in time for supper!

When an earthly father is loving and reliable he gives his children a blessing more valuable than gold. My father gave me a human example of what my Heavenly Father is like. For that gift I will always be grateful
I am now a father myself. In fact, my sons are fathers as well, but like I did as a little child, I stand at the window and watch. It just may be time for Jesus to return to this world. I can be certain that Jesus will return. He will not be late and Jesus wants me to be looking for Him when He returns.

Frankly, I can sense my own hunger growing as I wait for Him. But you can be sure, like my earthly father Jesus will return just in time for supper

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