Friday, May 6, 2016


The Lord gives perfect peace
to those whose faith is firm.
So always trust the Lord
because he is forever
our mighty rock.

Isaiah 26:3-4

Do you want to be at peace in this evil and wicked world?  When everyone around you is shaken and trembling from what they see and hear, do you want to rest like a baby who naturally knows that no matter how bad things seem his Father will protect him from all harm?

Fear and distress are contagious.  It only takes one man who panics in a congregation of people and many others will join him in his lack of Faith.  But the truth is that Faith is also contagious. If you spend your time with others who trust God for everything and refuse to listen to the doubts of those who don’t trust the Almighty then your Faith will grow and be firm.  Then you will come to know what it means to have PERFECT PEACE!  

“Lord Jesus, I choose to trust You today and to turn away from every doubt that would contradict Your Holy Word!  Touch my heart today with Your Perfect Peace!  And may You, Jesus be praised forever! Amen.”

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