When Moses went up on Mount Sinai, a cloud covered it, and the bright glory of the Lord came down and stayed there. The cloud covered the mountain for six days, and on the seventh day the Lord told Moses to come into the cloud. Moses did so and stayed there 40 days and nights. To the people, the Lord's glory looked like a blazing fire on top of the mountain.
Exodus 24:15-18
God was on the mountain with Moses and the people could see the Glory of God on top of the mountain. But the Glory of God simply looked like a blazing fire! The Bible doesn't say that anyone did this, but it might have been easy to mistake the Glory of God for an erupting volcano.
Do you see evidence of God in your life and even around you daily and think it is simply "Fire on the Mountain?" The Bible says "the Heavens declare the Glory of God" and everywhere you look in this world you can see God's miraculous gift of life! The fool is the one who says "there is no God!" But if you are wise you will see God in everything! Nothing can be excluded!
When I am hungry it is God who gives me the ability to desire food to nourish and fuel my body and it is God who gives me the ability to be satisfied when I eat. God shows me His glory when I look at a tree and the miracle of that tree living from season to season with it's marvelous display of beauty. And of course when I look up on a clear night and see the stars, moon and planets I am stunned to know that God put them all together and knows the name of every one!
So as you walk through this day and yes even this life, and you see fire on the mountain remember that you are not looking at some "natural phenomenon," but rather you are seeing evidence of the Glory of God. You can see the Glory of God in everything that He created, and that is EVERYTHING!
"Lord Jesus, help me today to see Your Glory all around me. Open my eyes to the wonder of the "Fire on the Mountain" today. And may You be praised and Glorified Forever! Amen."
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