After this, I looked at the sky and saw something else that was strange and important. Seven angels were bringing the seven last terrible troubles. When these are ended, God will no longer be angry.
Then I saw something that looked like a glass sea mixed with fire, and people were standing on it. They were the ones who had defeated the beast and the idol and the number that tells the name of the beast. God had given them harps, and they were singing the song his servant Moses and the Lamb had sung. They were singing,
“Lord God All-Powerful,
you have done great
and marvelous things.
You are the ruler
of all nations,
and you do what is
right and fair.
Lord, who doesn't honor
and praise your name?
You alone are holy,
and all nations will come
and worship you,
because you have shown
that you judge
with fairness.”
Revelation 15:1-4
I have never really wanted to learn to play the harp. A harp is sort of a piano without the keys and without a box to hold it. You play a harp with your fingers and it looks to me like it would be a difficult art to master.
In these verses God gave harps to the people who defeated the Beast! Then those same folks sang a song of praise to God! Who taught this multitude of people to play their harps? I can understand that they may be able already to sing, but not everyone can play the harp. Did only people who knew how to play the harp defeat the Beast or did God teach the people who defeated the Beast to play the harp?
Maybe this is really reading more into these verses than is there, but I see that after a time of Spiritual warfare there is a time of praise and worship. And that worship is itself God inspired and supported. God enables me to praise Him and gives me the ability to "Play the Harp" that He has placed in my hands.
In a real sense all those who follow Jesus and do battle for God are "gifted musicians." God gives us the ability to praise Him and He gives us the instruments with which to do it!
So here is the bottom line. Use whatever God has given you to praise Him! Look for ways to praise God with everything you have!
"Lord Jesus, thank you for enabling me to praise You with everything You have given me. Teach me today to praise You with the harp that You have put into my hands. And may You Lord surely be praised forever. Amen."