Tuesday, July 31, 2018

When I Reject God

Then the LORD All-Powerful said: You people are precious to me, and when I come to bring justice, I will protect you, just as parents protect an obedient child. Then everyone will once again see the difference between those who obey me by doing right and those who reject me by doing wrong.
Malachi 3: 17 - 18
Did you know that when you disobey God and do wrong, you are rejecting Him? Sometimes I choose to do something that is not according to God's Will, but don't think of it as "Rejecting God!" When I sin though, I am walking away from God and putting myself in a bad place.
The "close walk" with God that you desire is all about every decision you make today! When you decide to be obedient to God, you move closer to Him. When you choose to disobey, you step away from the Author of your faith!
Jesus did say, "I am with you always," but He did not say that we would always be with Him!
Jesus is not telling us just to speak the words that we accept Him! He wants us to be obedient to His every desire. Then my heart will be His and He will guide my every step!
"Lord Jesus, help me to be obedient to You in everything I do today. Praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen."

Monday, July 30, 2018

His Blood is Greater than My Sin

And why isn't God pleased? It's because he knows that each of you men has been unfaithful to the wife you married when you were young. You promised that she would be your partner, but now you have broken that promise.   Didn't God create you to become like one person with your wife? And why did he do this? It was so you would have children, and then lead them to become God's people. Don't ever be unfaithful to your wife.

Malachi 2: 14 - 15

The ultimate and most important job of a father is to lead his children to become God’s People!  When a man breaks the solemn promise he made to his wife, he seriously damages, if not destroys his ability to lead his children to be God’s People.

You see marriage is not about happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction, peace, joy or any other of the many things we seek by being married.  Being faithful to your wife is ultimately about leading the next generation to know God!  When you disqualify yourself from that task, it doesn’t matter how much comfort you have found in your illicit actions.

Adam was created first and then Eve.  It is indeed true that a man is responsible for being the “head” of his family.  Even as cutting off the head of a snake renders it harmless, cutting off the head of a family makes it very hard to fulfill the God given responsibility of a father!

That is the bad news, but the good news is this: Doctors my have learned how to reattach a severed hand, but Jesus knows how to put heads back in place when they have been attacked and even cut off by Satan! 

So if you think that your situation is “hopeless” and beyond repair, you don’t know Jesus Christ!  There is no problem too big for Him to solve!  There is no hurt to great for Him to soothe the pain.  And there is no sin that cannot be washed away by His wonderful blood!  If you think that Jesus cannot heal the hurt and bring life back where your sin has brought death, then you would be the first person in all of history whose sin was bigger than the Power of the Cross!

“Lord Jesus, may all my steps today be firmly planted in faithfulness to You and everyone I love, but help me to reject the lie that my sin is bigger than Your Mercy and Grace and the Power of Your Blood!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.” 

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sailing on the Ocean of Troubles

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My people will go through an ocean of troubles, but I will overcome the waves and dry up the deepest part of the Nile. Assyria's great pride will be put down, and the power of Egypt will disappear.  I'll strengthen my people because of who I am, and they will follow me. I, the LORD, have spoken!

Zechariah 10: 11 - 12

I have never heard of a sailor describing the experience of riding out a storm at sea as a "wonderful and exciting" experience!  They all know that even the unsinkable Titanic sank!

When you go through an "Ocean of Troubles" as a child of God it is a sobering experience and one not to be taken lightly!  Even though God will overcome the waves, the victory you experience may be when you are taken from this life in the midst of the storm!  

Those who were rescued from the Titanic before it sank were first put in lifeboats where they waited for someone to take them home!  As you go through this life of trouble and woe don't suppose that your rescue is complete just because you are in a lifeboat!  

God may overcome many waves in your life before He takes you home!  You will know that your rescue is finished when you look around and see that you are standing, most likely lying face down prostrate before God and Jesus in the Throne Room of Heaven!  

For followers of Jesus there may be many lifeboats in this life on earth, but lifeboats are only temporary.  Heaven is permanent and your rescue is complete when you find that you are there with Jesus!

"Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me from the Ocean of Troubles that I must experience here on this earth.  I do look forward to the Day when I will no longer be sailing on the Ocean of Troubles!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen."

Saturday, July 28, 2018

God's Footsteps in the Hall

City of Zion, sing and celebrate! The LORD has promised to come and live with you.  When he does, many nations will turn to him and become his people. At that time you will know that I am a prophet of the LORD All-Powerful.  Then Judah will be his part of the holy land, and Jerusalem will again be his chosen city.  Everyone, be silent! The LORD is present and moving about in his holy place.

Zechariah 2: 10 - 13

People often talk about seeing the Lord, or wanting to see the Lord.  But these verses talk about hearing the Lord.  They tell us to be silent so that we can hear God as He moves about!  

Usually when we think about hearing the Lord, we are referring to hearing His Words.  And hearing His Words is of course a very important way you can hear Him.  But Zechariah here is talking about hearing the Lord as He moves about His Holy place!

When I was a child I remember the moments before I would fall asleep at night and I could hear my mother and father moving about the house.  Sometimes they were talking, although I could rarely tell what they were saying.  But often, it was just their footsteps in the hall that brought a sense of comfort and safety to my heart.

How can you hear the footsteps of God when you are quiet before Him?  I hear God moving about when a storm goes through our town.  I hear God when He sends His Spirit to revive the hearts of believers and convict the hearts of sinners to turn to Him in culture changing ways!  As an old song once said, I hear God when a baby cries!  And I can hear God as the wind rustles through the leaves.

Of course, there are times when you can “see” God around you, but even when you can’t see the Lord, listen for the sound of Him moving about in His Holy Place.

“Thank You Jesus that you know how to move in Your Holy place and let us hear the sound of Your footsteps in the hall!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.” 

Friday, July 27, 2018

God and Your Next Decision

You harvest less than you plant, you never have enough to eat or drink, your clothes don't keep you warm, and your wages are stored in bags full of holes.  Think about what I have said!  But first, go to the hills and get wood for my temple, so I can take pride in it and be worshiped there.  You expected much, but received only a little. And when you brought it home, I made that little disappear. Why have I done this? It's because you hurry off to build your own houses, while my temple is still in ruins.  That's also why the dew doesn't fall and your harvest fails.  And so, at my command everything will become barren--your farmland and pastures, your vineyards and olive trees, your animals and you yourselves. All your hard work will be for nothing.

Haggai 1: 6 - 11

Working diligently at whatever you pursue is the essence of what is called the "Protestant Work Ethic."  The Bible clearly warns against laziness and encourages hard work.  But hard work by itself is not enough to guarantee prosperity and success.

Putting God first in your life plan and making Jesus Christ the anchor of your ship is totally necessary!  If you succeed without honoring God first in your life, you will become a person of pride and self sufficiency without recognition of your need for God!  That my friend will put your feet squarely on the road to Hell.  Why would a loving God not put obstacles in your path as He tries to turn your heart to Him so that you can enjoy the bliss of Heaven with Jesus forever?  

Jesus didn't live a perfect life here on earth to give God justification for sending you to Hell.  Jesus lived a perfect life so that by His death on the Cross you can escape Hell and be saved from an unimaginably horrible eternity!  

Instead of trying to change everything in your life instantly, put God first in the next decision you make.  No matter how seemingly insignificant it is, factor in the will of God before determining what you will do.  Then do the same thing with the next decision and the next and the next.  Soon you will be living every moment for Jesus and you will give your whole heart and life to Him.

"Lord Jesus, help me today to put You first in everything I do, especially the next decision I make.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen."

Thursday, July 26, 2018

God Sings a Song for You

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Jerusalem, the time is coming, when it will be said to you: "Don't be discouraged or grow weak from fear!  The LORD your God wins victory after victory and is always with you. He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life with his love."

Zephaniah 3: 16 - 17

Andrea Bocelli is an Italian tenor whose voice is known all around the world.  It is reported that Celine Dion, with whom he once sang a duet, said that “if God had a singing voice he would sound like Andrea Bocelli.”

According to Zephaniah God does have a singing voice and He celebrates and sings as He refreshes your life with His love!

I am reminded of the time when my oldest daughter was less than one year old and I would hold her in my arms and celebrate and sing because of her.  I would sing lots of songs, but I made up one simple song just about her and I would sing it to her over and over!  Years later her husband, who was playing the piano during the celebration of Communion in a worship time played the melody of the song that I wrote for my daughter!  I suppose everyone else thought it was just a simple tune of a song they did not know, but for my daughter it was personal and I hope precious!

Consider the possibility that God has written a love song just for you!  Jesus celebrates and sings because of you if you belong to Him!  Like a father holding a baby, God holds you in His arms and rejoices because of His very special creation!  

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, ask God to let you hear the Song that He has written for you.  Ask Him to let you hear His voice as He pours out His love on His Child!  I believe that God has a special song for every one of His children!  

"Lord Jesus, Your love is the greatest thing in the world!  I want to hear Your voice as You celebrate and sing because of me!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen."

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Best Day Ever With Jesus

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The Word that gives life was from the beginning, and this is the one our message is about. Our ears have heard, our own eyes have seen, and our hands touched this Word.  The one who gives life appeared! We saw it happen, and we are witnesses to what we have seen. Now we are telling you about this eternal life that was with the Father and appeared to us.  We are telling you what we have seen and heard, so that you may share in this life with us. And we share in it with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.

1 John 1: 1 - 3

There is no mention in the Bible of those who walked with Christ while He was on this earth ever longing for the "Good Old Days" that they spent with Jesus as He preached and performed miracles among the people.  

Instead of thinking about "yesterday" as the song says when "All my troubles seemed so far away," they looked forward to the Day when they would be with Jesus in Heaven forever!  And, more importantly, they knew that Christ living "in" them now was much more wonderful that when He simply lived "with" them!

When I was a young man there was great joy during the time I spent getting to know the girl who would become my wife.  But I never long to go back to those days.  Then I was with her a lot, but I was not "One with her."  Courtship doesn't even compare to the glorious adventure of marriage!

It is the same with Jesus.  There are some who get to know Him and may even spend lots of time with Jesus, but have never given themselves completely to the Lord!  It is like a courtship without commitment.  

Remember that the best day ever with Jesus is today when His Spirit is living in your heart!  

"Lord Jesus, thank You that walking with You today with Your Spirit in our hearts is even better than it was for those who walked with You on this earth 2000 years ago.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen."


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How to See the Kingdom of God

There was a man named Nicodemus who was a Pharisee and a Jewish leader.  One night he went to Jesus and said, "Sir, we know that God has sent you to teach us. You could not work these miracles, unless God were with you."  Jesus replied, "I tell you for certain that you must be born from above before you can see God's kingdom!"  Nicodemus asked, "How can a grown man ever be born a second time?"  Jesus answered: I tell you for certain that before you can get into God's kingdom, you must be born not only by water, but by the Spirit.

John 3: 1 - 5

After you are “Born Again” you can see something that you could not see before!  When you become a certified follower of Jesus Christ you can see the Kingdom of God in the world around you.

As a born again citizen of the Kingdom of God, you can see others who are the same as you.  Men and women, both old and young who respond to the wishes of the King and are obedient to His every Word make up the Kingdom of God here on earth.

Those who are not born again, see people who are “deluded” by a myth or “fairy tale” about “pie in the sky, in the by and by!”  They think you are crazy because they are literally blinded by the truth!  They are like men staring into the sun and seeing nothing but the blinding light.

But when you are born again by the Water and the Spirit you are supernaturally empowered to walk through this world and can see miracles all around! You can see the Kingdom of God!

Like a man with terrible vision, trying to read a sign along the side of the road, someone who is not part of the Kingdom of God can see the signs, but has no clue what they mean!

Instead of pointing out the “signs” to the lost, tell them about how they can be born again and become part of the Kingdom of God.  Then they will see and understand that God is working in the lives of men and woman all around the world!

“Lord Jesus, thank You for opening the eyes of those who seek and follow You so that they can see the Kingdom of God in this world today.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.” 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Depending on the Hand of God

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Beside the Ahava River, I asked the people to go without eating and to pray. We humbled ourselves and asked God to bring us and our children safely to Jerusalem with all of our possessions.  I was ashamed to ask the king to send soldiers and cavalry to protect us against enemies along the way. After all, we had told the king that our God takes care of everyone who truly worships him, but that he gets very angry and punishes anyone who refuses to obey.  So we went without food and asked God himself to protect us, and he answered our prayers.

Ezra 8: 21 - 23

Security systems are very popular today in North America.  The changing moral code, or should I say declining moral code means that more and more people have no personal prohibitions against stealing what you have, if they can do it without getting caught!

In these verses from Ezra chapter 8 we see that the prophet was ashamed to ask the king for protection, because he had told the king that God would take care of them as they traveled to Jerusalem!

What could this mean for followers of Jesus today?  Is it a sin to have a security system on your house?  Does it show no faith if you have a strong wall to keep out those who would steal from you or do worse?

The question we must all answer is this: Who am I trusting to protect me from the Devil and his designs to do me harm?  Am I trusting my own cunning and human wisdom?  Do I depend on a security company to keep me safe?  Or do I trust and depend on God Almighty no matter what other "security" measures are around me?  

If you say to yourself, "I don't need to trust God because I have an army guarding me from harm," then you are in great danger!  But if you say, "I trust God completely no matter what other protections may be in place around me," then you can rest at peace knowing that nothing can touch you without first passing through the Hand of God!

"Lord Jesus, thank You for being everything I need in this life or the next!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen."

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Touch Down of Jesus

Now I ask you to make a promise. Make it in the presence of God, who gives life to all, and in the presence of Jesus Christ, who openly told Pontius Pilate about his faith.  Promise to obey completely and fully all that you have been told until our Lord Jesus Christ returns.  The glorious God is the only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords. At the time that God has already decided, he will send Jesus Christ back again.

1 Timothy 6: 13 - 15

Today the internet is buzzing with predictions that the return of Jesus may be in just a few days!  The fact that no man knows the day or hour of the return of Christ does not mean that no man will accurately speculate about the season of that Day.

When someone tells you the Estimated Time of Arrival of an airplane, it is not a statement that comes from knowledge, because it has not yet happened. But based on all the facts they have, it can be known about when the plane will land.

God has already decided when will be the Day of the Second Coming and He has given us “signs” to look for so that we can know that the day is near!  But the moment of the “Touch Down” is known only to God!  

It is indeed accurate to say that many “signs” of the Second Coming of Jesus are evident today!  To believe that His return will be soon is not foolish, but to say that you know for certain when will it be is not wise!  

Until Jesus comes, be ready for His return and be obedient in telling others about Jesus Christ as you watch the Kingdom of God grow larger every day!  

You can be sure that God has planned for Jesus to return at just the perfect moment in the history of the world.  He will not be a moment early or a second late!  Could it be today?  Yes it could!  

“Lord Jesus, give me the courage to speak of You today and tell others that trusting in and depending on You is the only thing in this life that is truly important.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.”

Friday, July 20, 2018

Smile of God

Daniel made up his mind to eat and drink only what God had approved for his people to eat. And he asked the king's chief official for permission not to eat the food and wine served in the royal palace.  God had made the official friendly and kind to Daniel.  But the man still told him, "The king has decided what you must eat and drink. And I am afraid he will kill me, if you eat something else and end up looking worse than the other young men."  The king's official had put a guard in charge of Daniel and his three friends. So Daniel said to the guard, "For the next ten days, let us have only vegetables and water at mealtime.  When the ten days are up, compare how we look with the other young men, and decide what to do with us."  The guard agreed to do what Daniel had asked.  Ten days later, Daniel and his friends looked healthier and better than the young men who had been served food from the royal palace.

Daniel 1: 8 - 15

Daniel determined to eat and drink only what God had approved and when he did, he looked healthier and better than everyone else!

When you apply that standard to your life and only do those things that God approves you will be blessed by God in every way!  Does that mean that you will not suffer as a human being?  Of course not.  Suffering is an essential part of belonging to Jesus.

But when you look for God’s approval before you take a step one way or the other, you will find that the smile of God is on His face when He looks at you!

There are some who believe that you can make demands of God and He will do what you tell Him to do.  I do not find that in the Bible.  But there are two things you can “make” God do.  You can "make God happy" by obeying Him and you can "make God sad" when you disobey!  

We often pay lots of attention to what other men think of our lives.  That though is really not important, but what God thinks of your life means everything!  Be like Daniel and decide to do only what God approves as you walk through this day!

“Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us Your Word and Your Holy Spirit to let us know when You approve of things that we want to do in this life.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.”

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Most Precious People on Earth

I looked and saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! With him were a hundred forty-four thousand, who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.  Then I heard a sound from heaven that was like a roaring flood or loud thunder or even like the music of harps.  And a new song was being sung in front of God's throne and in front of the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn that song, except the one hundred forty-four thousand who had been rescued from the earth.  All of these are pure virgins, and they follow the Lamb wherever he leads. They have been rescued to be presented to God and the Lamb as the most precious people on earth.  They never tell lies, and they are innocent.

Revelation 14: 1 - 5

Who is this group of people who never tell lies and are innocent?  These people are different from others because the Bible says that “all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.”

If you believe that the 144,000 number is an exact and not symbolic number then I have no idea who they are.  

But consider the possibility that these precious people are those who died either before they were born or before they reached an age where they would be accountable for their actions.  

Listen again to John’s description of them: “They have been rescued to be presented to God and the Lamb as the most precious people on earth.”

With the millions and millions of babies that have been aborted even in recent history, I find it hard to believe that the Bible would not make some reference to them!  If these verses are talking about those babies, I find it a wonderful picture of them following Jesus around Heaven while they sing a song that no one else could learn!  I can’t imagine how beautiful that song will be when we hear it on the Day we enter Eternity!

Remember, the Bible tells us to think about things above!

“Lord Jesus, open our eyes to see things that we cannot see and understand things that we cannot understand.  Praise Your Holy Name, now and forever.  Amen.”

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

No More War

At the sound of the seventh trumpet, loud voices were heard in heaven. They said, "Now the kingdom of this world belongs to our Lord and to his Chosen One! And he will rule forever and ever!"  Then the twenty-four elders, who were seated on thrones in God's presence, knelt down and worshiped him.

Revelation 11: 15 - 16

Some wars seem to go on forever!  From generation to generation the sons of warriors become fighters themselves in a war that never ends!

The war between Righteousness and Evil has been fought ever since that fateful day in the Garden of Eden when Sin provided the fuel for the first battle.

As a human being today you surely know that the conflict continues to rage as the infection of sin spreads from human to human in attempt to kill us all!

But there is a coming day when the Kingdom of this World will be handed over to Jesus and He will rule forever and ever!  The War will be over!  

Heaven will not just be a hiding place from the war between good and evil.  There will be no more war!  Here on earth there will always be “wars and rumors of wars,” but not so in Eternity!  For that you can rejoice, knell down and worship the Lord.

“Lord Jesus, thank You that even the kingdom of this world will one day be ruled completely by You and You alone!  May Your Holy Name be praised now and forever.  Amen.”

Monday, July 16, 2018

Perfume From Heaven

I am grateful that God always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory. God also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere, and this knowledge is like the smell of perfume.  In fact, God thinks of us as a perfume that brings Christ to everyone. For people who are being saved, this perfume has a sweet smell and leads them to a better life. But for people who are lost, it has a bad smell and leads them to a horrible death.

2 Corinthians 2: 14 - 16a

Years ago my favorite “After Shave Lotion” was called “Old Spice.”  It came in a white bottle with a uniquely tapered shape and had a small plastic stopper on top to keep it from spilling.  And the aroma was easily recognized by almost everyone.  

Somewhere over the years, men wearing “perfume” went out of style and I never replaced my empty bottle of Old Spice.

With any good after shave lotion, all you had to do was enter the room and within seconds everyone knew you were there by the distinct odor.

Today there are people who claim to be allergic to any kind of perfume and as a result it has been used less and less.

The aroma that accompanies you as a follower of Jesus is also noticeable within seconds when you enter a room.  And those who are also Jesus’ followers find the aroma to be very pleasant. But there are some today who claim to be allergic to the Perfume of Jesus!  To them the aroma is offensive and they demand that you not wear that Perfume in public!

If you are a disciple of Christ, don’t go out without the Perfume of Jesus!  Then everyone will know who you are and more importantly who He is.

“Thank You Jesus, for being the Perfume from Heaven in my life.  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.”

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Don't Forget to Feed the Birds

I tell you not to worry about your life. Don't worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn't life more than food or clothing?  Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth more than birds?

Matthew 6: 25 - 26

One of my daily jobs is to put bird seed in the feeders that hang outside our window.  Paying attention to and watching birds is what you do when you get older.  Birds are an amazing part of God’s creation.  If you are not yet fascinated by birds, I think someday you will be.

God not only created the birds, but He watches them and feeds them.  The Bible says that God knows when a sparrow falls to the ground.

Someone said years ago, “Find out what God is doing in the world and ask Him to let you become a part of it.”  One thing that God is doing, according to the Bible, is feeding and caring for birds!  So when I put bird seed in the feeders each morning I am putting my hand to the plow of God!  

Of course, feeding birds is not the only thing that God is doing!  God is also fishing for men!  That is what Jesus told the disciples.  He said He would teach them to fish for men!

So as you seek to follow Jesus in fishing for men and  spreading  His Kingdom around the world, don’t forget to feed the birds!  When you become part of what God is doing in the world, you will preach the Good News of Jesus to everyone on earth, but you will also feed the birds!  Feeding birds may seem like a very small thing, but feeding birds is what God does!

“Lord Jesus, help me to put my Hand to the Plow of God in spreading Your Kingdom around the world, but may I also Lord never forget to feed the birds!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.”

Saturday, July 14, 2018

No Good Reason to Keep Silent

Be sure to pray that God will make a way for us to spread his message and explain the mystery about Christ, even though I am in jail for doing this.  Please pray that I will make the message as clear as possible.  When you are with unbelievers, always make good use of the time.

Colossians 4: 3 - 5

When customers came to his barber shop he always prayed that God would show him how to share the message of Jesus with those who didn’t know Him!  It was closing time when a young man asked if the barber could cut his hair.  The barber apologized, said “no” and closed the shop.  He could “share Jesus” the next time the man came in.  A few days later the barber heard that the young man who wanted the hair cut was murdered that very night!

God will make a way for you to spread the message of Jesus, but you must say yes to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to tell someone about the Lord!

You can be sure that when the Holy Spirit is leading you in any direction, the Enemy of all mankind will try to lead you away from God’s will.   If your “walk with Jesus” is without opposition you should ask the Lord to confirm that you are going the right way!  

Satan wants you to get discouraged and quit walking in the way the Lord has told you to go.  He will try everything in his arsenal to stop you from doing what God has called you to do.  

Let the attacks of Satan simply confirm that you are indeed walking in the right path! 

You can be sure that there is someone who will cross your path today who needs to know more about Jesus.  The Holy Spirit may know that you will be their last opportunity on this earth to hear the Good News.

“Lord Jesus, I can always find a “good reason” not to tell someone about you.  Give me the courage today to ignore all the “good reasons” to keep silent and to speak the Message that all men need to hear!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen.”  

Friday, July 13, 2018

Team Jesus

Let the message about Christ completely fill your lives, while you use all your wisdom to teach and instruct each other. With thankful hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.  Whatever you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, as you give thanks to God the Father because of him.

Colossians 3: 16 - 17

I live in the United States, so we know about the World Cup and pay some attention to it, but nothing like the rest of the world does.  The sport that we become most obsessed with is College Football.  Our “football” is oblong shaped with two pointed ends.  

There are people who display passion for their “team” in almost every way!  Team colors are painted on things that can be painted in the yard of their house.  Sometimes even the house is painted with a team color theme. They wear team jerseys often and even tattoo team logos on their bodies! 

There is a great difference however, between those who are devoted "fans" to a sports team and the ones who actually play the game!  

These verses from Colossians 3 talk about the message about Christ “completely” filling your life! Then everything you do or say will be done in the Name of the Lord!  There will be no doubt who your team is.  

Again, everything you do and every word you speak will inform those who see you or hear you that you are an active member of TEAM JESUS, and not just a Fan!

“Lord Jesus, help me today to be bold and not ashamed to tell everyone that You are my Lord and Savior! May the message about You, Jesus fill my life completely!  Praise Your Holy Name, now and forever.  Amen.”

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Your Heart in His Hand

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You died with Christ. Now the forces of the universe don't have any power over you. Why do you live as if you had to obey such rules as, "Don't handle this. Don't taste that. Don't touch this.”?

Colossians 2: 20 - 21

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, then you have been born a second time.  The first time you were born was when you were separated from your mother’s body and began to breathe on your own.  The second time you were born was when you were separated from the world and began a life that was sustained by the breath of God!

If you are not a follower of Jesus Christ, then you will die twice.  The first time you will die is when your physical body stops functioning and you stop breathing.  The second time you die is when you will be cast into the “fires of Hell” where you will remain forever separated from God!  

Disciples of Christ also die twice.  They first die with Jesus to this world and all it’s lusts.  And then they die physically as they transition to an Eternity with Him!

As human beings we do have “free choice,” but it is really only one Choice.  You can Choose to accept Jesus or you can Choose to reject Him!  When you put your Heart in the Hand of Jesus your fate with Him is sealed forever in Heaven!  When you keep your Heart in your own hand and give in to the love of Sin your fate without Jesus is sealed forever in Hell!

Decide today to put your Heart in the Hand of Jesus!  It is a Choice you will never regret!

“Lord Jesus, thank You Lord for making it possible for me to die with You instead of dying forever in the fires of Hell.  May Your Name be praised now and forever. Amen.”

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Certified Enemies of God

You used to be far from God. Your thoughts made you his enemies, and you did evil things.  But his Son became a human and died. So God made peace with you, and now he lets you stand in his presence as people who are holy and faultless and innocent.

Colossians 1: 21 - 22

Human beings judge themselves by their actions, but God judges us by our thoughts!  We consider ourselves guiltless if we only think evil thoughts but never act them out.  The problem is that God says that committing the sin of adultery begins with the thought that precedes the deed even if the deed is never done.

It is by our thoughts that we become enemies of God and our actions, of course follow.  We are certified enemies of God before we ever do one thing that is a sin, because our minds have already been there before us!

You will know that you have stopped sinning when you never think about it again!  Sin begins by pondering it in your heart!  You may not be a murderer or a thief, but you have had the thoughts that every murderer or thief has had before they crafted the evil deed. 

Romans 12:2 says that when you give your heart to Jesus, He will “change the way you think.”   Then it says you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to Him!

“Lord Jesus, I need You to change the way I think every day.  Help me to never stand on the doorstep of sin because of what I think.  May all my thoughts give Glory to You now and forever. Amen.”