Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sailing on the Ocean of Troubles

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My people will go through an ocean of troubles, but I will overcome the waves and dry up the deepest part of the Nile. Assyria's great pride will be put down, and the power of Egypt will disappear.  I'll strengthen my people because of who I am, and they will follow me. I, the LORD, have spoken!

Zechariah 10: 11 - 12

I have never heard of a sailor describing the experience of riding out a storm at sea as a "wonderful and exciting" experience!  They all know that even the unsinkable Titanic sank!

When you go through an "Ocean of Troubles" as a child of God it is a sobering experience and one not to be taken lightly!  Even though God will overcome the waves, the victory you experience may be when you are taken from this life in the midst of the storm!  

Those who were rescued from the Titanic before it sank were first put in lifeboats where they waited for someone to take them home!  As you go through this life of trouble and woe don't suppose that your rescue is complete just because you are in a lifeboat!  

God may overcome many waves in your life before He takes you home!  You will know that your rescue is finished when you look around and see that you are standing, most likely lying face down prostrate before God and Jesus in the Throne Room of Heaven!  

For followers of Jesus there may be many lifeboats in this life on earth, but lifeboats are only temporary.  Heaven is permanent and your rescue is complete when you find that you are there with Jesus!

"Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me from the Ocean of Troubles that I must experience here on this earth.  I do look forward to the Day when I will no longer be sailing on the Ocean of Troubles!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen."

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