Sunday, June 5, 2011

Every Thing New!

Then the One seated on the throne said, "Look! I am making everything new." He also said, "Write, because these words are faithful and true."
Revelation 21:5
Would you rather have a new car or an old one? Do you prefer new clothes or old ones? This verse says that God will make EVERYTHING new. Perhaps this should be written every "THING." Things are better when they are new. Wear and tear, rust and decay can change things that were valuable and new into things that are simply thrown out in the trash.
Physical things are better when they are new, or made like new again. But principles, ethics and morality do not get old like things. When men try to improve on the principles, ethics and morality that God set up in the beginning the final product is usually a cheap imitation.
It is as foolish as a man unschooled in medicine offering suggestions while watching a brain surgeon work.
Ever since I can remember the phrase "New and Improved" dominated the advertising world. Things are better when they are new and improved, but the love that God has for you has never needed changing or improving.
Here is the bottom line. The Old, Old Story of Jesus and His love will make you New! Don't try to change the Story. Let the Story of Jesus change you!

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