Monday, June 20, 2011

The Sin of Helping Evil People!


The Lord isn’t stupid!
He does what he promises,
and he can bring doom.
If you are cruel yourself,
or help those who are evil,
you will be destroyed.

Isaiah 31:2

God was the original "Promise Keeper." He does what He says He will do. There is nothing in Heaven or on earth that can stop Him from fulfilling every promise. When God says something, it is as good as done. The most secure contract that men may make is no more certain than leaves blowing in the wind, but God's promises are even more solid than the Rock of Gibraltar.

Knowing the Word of God is the only certain way to know what will be. Every other word is only speculation and imagination. But God's Word not only predicts the future, God's Word causes the future.

The warning of this verse is simple. If you "help those who are evil, you will be destroyed." That is the undeniably disturbing consequence of our nation coming along side unrighteous nations, bent on evil! It is worrying and dishonorable for us to abandon friendly allies, but it is catastrophic for any nation, people, or human being to "help those who are evil!"

The consequence of helping those who are evil is spelled out in only four words, "YOU WILL BE DESTROYED."

How can it be God's work when we go about liberating the unrighteous so they can be free to practice their evil and unrighteousness even more!

Who you help is more important than that you help!

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