Thursday, June 2, 2011

Look at Him Now!

“Now that He has gone into heaven, He is at God's right hand with angels, authorities, and powers subject to Him.”

1 Peter 3:22

Remember the story of Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers. They persecuted him terribly and even told their father that Joseph was dead. After years of repeating the lie they must have come to believe it themselves. I'm sure they often regretted selling Joseph but what could they do about it now, so many years later?

Then came the terrifying moment when they came before Joseph who was now the second in command in Egypt. Without a doubt, it was the most frightening moment of their lives. Joseph, who had dreamed as a boy that his brothers would bow down before him now stood in a position of power and honor that stunned them. What would Joseph do to his brothers? He could give them what they deserved or show mercy.

The story of Joseph is almost a perfect parallel of the story of Jesus. Jesus lived an ordinary life just like you do. He learned how to work and Jesus enjoyed His family and friends. He got sleepy and hungry and thirsty. Jesus suffered like all men do. Then Jesus breathed His last and died like all men do.

But that is not the end of Jesus' story. And when you die it is not the end of your story. Like Joseph in Egypt, Jesus is now second in command and sits at the right hand of God! Like Joseph, all of Jesus' human brothers will one day stand before Him and see Him in His power and glory!

You have a choice. You can meet Jesus as one who rejected and persecuted Him or you can meet Jesus as a follower of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! If Joseph's brothers had known about Joseph's rise to power in Egypt they would have repented long before they were ushered into his throne room. None of them would have stood firm in their opposition to their brother if they knew about his power and glory!

Wake up! Jesus has gone into heaven and is at God's right hand with angels, authorities, and powers subject to Him!

Soon you will stand before Him and see Him as He is!

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