Saturday, June 18, 2011

God Creates Tiny Streams!

The angel shouted, “Worship and honor God! The time has come for him to judge everyone. Kneel down before the one who created heaven and earth, the oceans, and every stream.”

Revelation 14:7

It is easy to believe that God created the big stuff, like the heavens, and earth and the oceans. But God also created "every stream." I can stand in my yard and see the heavens. I can go to the shore and see the oceans and I can take a ride in an airplane and catch a glimpse of the vastness of the earth. But a tiny stream that starts just across the road from my house with runoff from the field is not so impressive. Never forget that mighty rivers are made from thousands of such tiny streams!

How does God make every stream? It is simple. God sends rain on the fields which runs off and travels in a little stream until it joins with other streams and then others and others. A river is born!

When a stream begins there is always a "small" flood and annoying mud. It is never impressive to see the first few drops of water that will ultimately enter the great river.

So when you see your tiny stream filling up with the water provided by God Himself, always look downstream and remember that God conceives the Mighty Mississippi River with streams like yours!

Also when you look at your life today and the little acts of righteousness prompted by the Holy Spirit remember that the righteousness of a nation depends on thousands of tiny streams just like yours! When God reigns in your life and His righteousness rains on your life don't forget that is where the building of a righteous nation begins!

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