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“I pray that the Lord will guide you to be as loving as God and as patient as Christ.”
2 Thessalonians 3:5
How can anyone ever be as loving as God and as patient as Christ?
It is the ultimate impossible dream! God is love so for me to be as loving as God my whole being must be transformed into love itself. God doesn't love men "because" of anything that anyone has done or could ever do. If I am as loving as God then I send my "rain" on the just and the unjust even as God does. If I am as loving as God then I am the one who looks for ways to express love even to the unloving and unlovely. When I am as loving as God the wake of my passing is either a sweet fragrance or a repulsive odor to those who are lost.
Job is the man who is best known for his patience, but the patience of Christ is far beyond that of Job. Jesus waited until it was the right time to create the earth. We do not know how long that might have been. Jesus waited to come to the earth as a baby to bring salvation to those who would accept Him. And now Jesus waits for just the right moment to return and bring to a conclusion the story of humanity.
So as you set your hand at being as loving as God today remember to be as patient as Christ in waiting to see the results that the power of God working through you can and will do! Amen!