Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ocean of God!

Listen to this blog.

Who can measure the wealth and wisdom and knowledge of God? Who can understand his decisions or explain what he does?

“Has anyone known the thoughts of the Lord
or given him advice?

Has anyone loaned something to the Lord
that must be repaid?”

Everything comes from the Lord. All things were made because of him and will return to him. Praise the Lord forever! Amen.

Romans 11:33-36

I stand on the shore of a vast ocean. The sands beneath my feet are beyond numbering. I am totally immersed in the sensations of the warm sun, the roar of the waves and the sight of water that goes on forever. The salt water smell convinces my brain that this is not some kind of virtual reality. When the warm water rushes over my feet and then retreats I curl my toes to hold on and keep from being pulled toward the depths.

I can stand on the shore for years and still know nothing of the vast expanse of that ocean.

I also stand on the shore of an infinite and Almighty God! I'm not sure when I first stepped on to the sands of that beach. I know I was a small child when I began pondering the Greatness of God. For more than sixty years now I have felt the warmth of the Son and the ocean breeze of the Holy Spirit, but also the storms of life that rage. Yes, there are storms on the sea of faith. And don't forget the tsunamis. They are the giant waves that come without warning and either wipe you away or lift you to higher ground.

Even a man who is known for his great faith can honestly say "I know so little of God as I stand here on earth and believe." But one day soon, Jesus will come and take me from the shore to the depths of God to stand in His presence!

Then I will see God! Hallelujah!

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