Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Write on My Heart!

Listen to this blog.

“But now I tell the people of Israel
this is my new agreement:
‘The time will come
when I, the Lord,
will write my laws
on their minds and hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be
my people.”

“Not one of them will have to teach another
to know me, their Lord.’
“All of them will know me,
no matter who they are.”

Hebrews 8:10-11

Animals do what God has created them to do. Birds fly and fish swim and every other creature of God quickly learns to function in their God given place in the world.

People do not do what God created them to do. It is called "sin" and it has infected the entire human race. No one blames the animal kingdom for the problems that confront the world. The mess we are in was caused by human beings who are disobedient to God. We are the cause of wars, pollution, abuse, murder, hatred and every other wicked thing you can imagine.

But there will come a time when God will write His laws on the hearts and minds of men. At that point these verses clearly say that "all of them will know Me, no matter who they are."

"Lord, I ask you to let that time come for me today. Take my heart and mind and on them write Your laws. Let me know You like an Eagle learning to fly! Fill my mind with thoughts that come straight from Heaven. Let me see the world around me as You see it, feel the way Your heart feels about sin in the world, weep when You weep and laugh when You laugh!”

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