Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fishing for Men!

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As Jesus was walking along the shore of Lake Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew. They were fishermen and were casting their nets into the lake. Jesus said to them, “Come with me! I will teach you how to bring in people instead of fish.” Right then the two brothers dropped their nets and went with him.  Jesus walked on and soon saw James and John, the sons of Zebedee. They were in a boat, mending their nets. At once Jesus asked them to come with him. They left their father in the boat with the hired workers and went with him.

Mark 1:16-20

Four of the twelve disciples of Jesus were fishermen. Jesus even told them that He was calling them to "fish for men." That means a good fisherman who turns his heart to Jesus will see some things that other followers take longer to learn or maybe never come to see.

Fishing for men takes patience. I have never met a good fisherman who is impatient. A good fisherman can spend the day without even one bite and go home without regret. One such man told me that the joy is in the fishing and catching a fish is simply a bonus!

Fishing for men takes persistence. A good fisherman goes fishing whenever he can. Fishing can clearly become an addiction.

No matter what a good fisherman is doing, fishing is not far from his mind.

There is one basic difference between a man who fishes for fish and man who fishes for men. When you fish for men you never throw anyone back. Men who are caught for Jesus do not go back to swim in the cesspool of this world. Once you have been caught by God you are set free to swim forever in the crystal clear water of life!

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