Saturday, November 12, 2011

Not a Game!

Listen to this blog.

“If you obey the Lord, he will watch over you
and answer your prayers.

But God despises evil people, and he will wipe them all
from the earth,
till they are forgotten.

When his people pray for help, he listens and rescues them
from their troubles.

The Lord is there to rescue all who are discouraged
and have given up hope.

The Lord’s people may suffer a lot,
but he will always
bring them safely through.”

Psalm 34:15-19

When God put the rainbow in the sky it was a promise never to destroy the earth again by a flood. It was not a promise never to destroy the earth again. The rainbow was not a sign of God's repentance. He was not sorry that He removed the evil people from the earth and the Bible clearly says that evil and righteousness will not always co-exist.

Now, people who delight themselves in evil have to endure those "pesky" people who believe in Jesus and are determined to follow the way of righteousness. And people who love the Lord live among people who ridicule them for their faith.

But there will come a day, and it may be very soon when evil people will not be bothered by good people and those who seek the Lord will not live in a fallen world! If you do not follow Jesus now I would ask you to imagine a world where there is no "milk of human kindness" in anyone. No good deeds and all motives were only evil continually. Every desire would be to make someone else miserable.

If you love the Lord, imagine a world where every motive was totally pure and every righteous act that could be done was paramount in the minds of all the people. Imagine that no one was depressed, no one acting out of anything but love and perfect peace ruling in everyone's heart. If you love the Lord, let your prayer be today, "Lord take all of me, let me hold nothing back from You!"

If you do not love the Lord, you can start loving Him today. Good and Evil is not a game we play where we pick a side and in the End everybody wins. Stop playing games with Eternity and choose to follow Jesus. If you don't, I can assure you that you will regret it forever!

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