Friday, November 25, 2011

Lazy Fool!

Listen to this blog.

I once walked by the field and the vineyard
of a lazy fool.

Thorns and weeds were everywhere,
and the stone wall
had fallen down.

When I saw this, it taught me a lesson:

Sleep a little. Doze a little. Fold your hands
and twiddle your thumbs.

Suddenly poverty hits you and everything is gone!

Proverbs 24:30-34

God wants us to "remember the poor," and it is central to our faith in Him to take care of widows and orphans in their distress. There will always be those whose poverty is no fault of their own.

But what about the poverty of the "lazy fool" who lets the thorns and weeds grow up in his field and vineyard? He is the man who refuses to lift a finger to help himself. The Bible simply says if a man will not work then we should not give him food to eat.

Now let's just slip right past settling in to making judgments about other people to decide whether or not they are lazy and should not be fed. What about me? How do I become spiritually poor (not poor in spirit) because of my own laziness?

I believe God feeds a man spiritually based on the man's willingness to work for Jesus! A man or woman who is spiritually rich and well fed is the one who has been and is being obedient to the leading voice of the Holy Spirit. As a follower of Jesus Christ if you set about to do what He is calling you to do there will be enough of whatever you need to do it! The spiritual pauper is the one who has tuned out the voice of the Holy Spirit and ignores His leadings and warnings!

If you want to become rich in the things of God then listen for His leading today and then obey it! Those who work for God are well fed and never go hungry!

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