Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Does Newt Fear God?

Listen to this blog.
Ezra was a priest and an expert in the laws and commands that the Lord had given to Israel. One day King Artaxerxes gave Ezra a letter which said:

Greetings from the great King Artaxerxes to Ezra the priest and expert in the teachings of the God of heaven.

Any of the people of Israel or their priests or Levites in my kingdom may go with you to Jerusalem if they want to. My seven advisors and I agree that you may go to Jerusalem and Judah to find out if the laws of your God are being obeyed.

If you need to get anything else for the temple, you may have the money you need from the royal treasury.

Ezra, you are a priest and an expert in the laws of the God of heaven, and I order all treasurers in Western Province to do their very best to help you.

Ezra 7:11-14 & 20-21

Years ago I was having breakfast with a group of people who were promoting the candidacy of a local politician. The politician himself was sitting next to me and I had the opportunity to question him at some length. One answer to a question shocked me at the time and still sticks in my mind. Instead of asking him if he was a Christian, I simply asked: "Do you fear God?" His response was "Hell yes!"

The man was embarrassed by his own response, but it was just the answer I wanted to hear.

When a leader fears God the people he or she leads are blessed. When a leader does not fear God trouble comes to all of us.

If I could ask one question at the United States presidential debates, it would be that same question. Do you fear God? I believe the answer, and the tone and demeanor of the answer would speak volumes about the man's qualifications to be President of the United States.

Proverbs 9:10 identifies the fear of God as the beginning of wisdom. So leaders who do not fear God act without wisdom.

What about you? Do you fear God or do you just fear that God will catch you doing something wrong? Fearing God includes respect and honor. Fearing God means that you will filter everything you do through the lens of God's Word. That is the very best way to see clearly and avoid foolishness!

So if you have the opportunity to pick an earthly king, always pick the person who fears God. Everything else is irrelevant. If a leader does not fear God, the reign will not be pleasant for those who are being led!

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