Monday, January 9, 2012

Sidetracked on the Way to Heaven!

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God showed his love for us when he sent his only Son into the world to give us life. Real love isn’t our love for God, but his love for us. God sent his Son to be the sacrifice by which our sins are forgiven.

1 John 4:9-10

You can trust that since Jesus sacrificed Himself to save us, He will also show us the way to go in this life!

It was years ago and well before the days of the GPS. I was alone and on my way from Ohio to Tennessee in the first new car I had ever owned. It was a small French made Simca. Somehow I either missed the right turn or made a wrong turn and drove for a number of miles in the wrong direction. My only option when the signs along the way made me aware of my mistake was to turn around and go back the way I had come until I found the place I either should have turned or made the error in navigating. It was upsetting to the point that I still remember it more than forty years later.

“Lord, am I on the right road in my life? Am I going the direction You want me to go or am I traveling on the road to somewhere else?”

Having a shiny new car and plenty of gas in the tank doesn’t mean I am going the right way. A bright sunny morning and great driving skills have nothing to do with the direction I am traveling. The question is this: Where is this road taking me? What is at the end of this path and is that the place God wants me to be? Getting sidetracked on the way to Heaven is at best foolish and at worst tragic.

If you are going the wrong way, turn around today and go back to the place where you left the path. Don’t wait, this is no time to be on a “rabbit trail” on the way to Heaven!

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