Sunday, January 29, 2012

A Gift for God!

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The Lord is disgusted by gifts from the wicked,
but it makes him happy
when his people pray.

The Lord is disgusted with all who do wrong,
but he loves everyone
who does right.

If you turn from the right way, you will be punished;
if you refuse correction,
you will die.

If the Lord can see everything in the world of the dead,
he can see in our hearts.

Proverbs 15:8-11

Why would a wicked person want to give God a gift?  It seems a little odd that someone who doesn't obey God's Word and is sinning continually would even think about giving God a gift! 

Did you ever hear of a policeman who would take bribes?  The story is an old one.  The one who is in charge of enforcing the law accepts a gift and then ignores the law breaker.  That never happens with God, but sometimes people try to bribe the Lord Himself.  They know they are sinners, and they know that they deserve Hell, but instead of accepting the sacrifice of Jesus as the basis of their salvation they want to do enough good works to merit Heaven in spite of their sin! 

When you stand before God on the Day of Judgment, none of the good things you have done will be the reason God declares that you are to enter Heaven for eternity!  The only reason anyone will ever go to Heaven is the Blood of Jesus Christ.  When you are washed in His Blood Heaven's door will open without any effort on your part.  You won't have to unlock the door of Heaven or even turn the door knob.

If you stand before the Lord and read your  list of good works, the door to Heaven will remain closed.  There is no gift that you can give God which will open that door.  But the gift that Jesus gave on the Cross swings wide the door to Heaven!

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